On 25th February some students of Batxillerat of Arts helped students at Ferrer i Guàrdia school (Granollers) to paint a mural for the “English Day”; a whole day devoted to the British culture.

On the other hand on 29th February some students of all 1st Batxillerat participated in another English Day at the Mestres Montaña primary school.



Every class had a different artist to represent with renowned painters like Picasso and others such as street muralist Julian Beever. The Arts students guided the children while speaking in English on how to draw and paint a big mural correctly. After the activity, teachers and kids said goodbye to the Bellera students and parents of the pupils made us a delicious breakfast.

It wasn’t a nice way of learning just for the children, Batxillerat students had also the opportunity of becoming teachers for one day and experience the daily basis of an ordinary teacher. We believe that more than one found there their future job…

There were two activities;

 – For the younger ones, from P3 to 2nd grade, the Bellera students in groups of three or four went to each of the course groups to act out a dramatization of one of Dora the Explorer’s adventures previously prepared by the teachers there; each one in the role of the characters of this cartoon.

 – For the older pupils, from 3rd to 6th grade, another activity had been prepared which was based in the Cluedo role game but adapted with the characters of the Simpsons animated cartoons.



All in all it was a really fun and enjoyable day that let everyone participating practice their spoken abilities and interact with one another.